Maintaining Leather Furniture

Posted in Furniture Maintenance

When you choose to furnish your home with high-quality, genuine leather furniture, including sofas, chairs and ottomans, you make a long-term commitment. The look and feel of real leather adds stylish décor to any home living room, study or bedroom and will provide plush comfort for years to come – as long as you care for it properly.
Unlike fabric furniture, leather is a special material that needs to be cleaned and conditioned properly to avoid fading, tears and drying out. Leather is animal hide, so regular maintenance is required to keep it looking great through the years.

The good news is that it’s fairly easy to care for leather furniture.

living room with leather furniture

Hancock & Moore Leather Furniture

Vacuum Your Leather Furniture

In most cases, you will either want to vacuum your leather furniture once a week with a soft bristle attachment or wipe it down with a slightly damp rag or towel. Surface dust and dirt must be removed regularly to prevent long-term damage.

Condition Your Leather Furniture

Another important tip to preserving leather furniture is to condition it. You may only need to perform conditioning twice a year, but this is mandatory to keep your leather sofas and chairs in great shape. When conditioning, make sure you apply the product evenly to avoid uneven coloration on sofa cushions. If you don’t condition leather furniture, the leather will eventually dry out, become brittle and crack. To find the right product for conditioning, contact the manufacturer, as they will provide the best answer. Don’t choose a cheaper product; spend a little extra to get the best results.

Keep Pets Off Your Leather Furniture

If you have a cat or a dog, it is important that you teach them very early on that the leather couch is off limits. The nails of a cat or dog can easily rip the leather surface and their shedding hair can get lost between the cushions. Since we all know that some pets like to break the rules when you’re not home, a plastic cover should be placed on leather furniture when you are away for any length of time. Also, avoid eating on leather furniture as food and utensils can further damage the surface if dropped.

What Not To Do

There are a few things you should never do when cleaning and caring for leather furniture. Do not use Pledge® or any other dusting spray. Do not use oils or varnishes. Do not use excessive amounts of water since this can create a large stain. Finally, try to keep leather furniture away from direct sunlight, as UV rays will fade the leather over time.

Leather furniture can last a very long time as long as you care for it properly. For more information on protecting your leather furniture, contact the experts at CT Home Interiors.